Medicine Scam

Herpes Dating Online-How to avoid Herpes Medicine Scam?

It is unfortunate to know that there are many dishonest people and firms that prey upon people having an STD such as Herpes. It is the natural tendency of an individual with herpes to find out a way that could reduce or eliminate the symptoms of herpes. Such people usually become soft targets and fall into this trap. Since herpes symptoms or outbreaks go away within a few days or weeks even without any medication, people assume that it’s the medicines at work.

Medicine Scam

Some of the herpes cure scams are intelligently disguised as trust – worthy, backed by false research or testimonials. These testimonials are posted in the form of comments from people pretending to be genuine. Unfortunately, this is all done at a professional level, which makes it very difficult to differentiate between real people with herpes and scammers or online characters and experts or doctors.

It has also been observed that such scammers take to the internet to sell their products or services. Industry experts have advised that people with herpes shouldn’t start any kind of treatment without consulting a physician. Similarly, any medicine shouldn’t be administered unless prescribed. Scammers give a sense of hope to people with herpes and when the reality comes out, it brings emotional turmoil along with it.


One such product that claims to make the body herpes free within 90 days is Resolve Herpes. Although the website is clearly trying to promote their product as a herpes cure agent, it never mentions this. The website, however says that they haven’t gone through the expensive and time – consuming process of getting an FDA approval.

It is clearly written that Resolve Herpes is officially not allowed to claim that it can diagnose, treat or cure any disease. There are several natural products on the market that claim of treating herpes and boast of 100 percent results. Such products that claim of curing herpes are generally marketed in a very clever fashion. Moreover, their refund policies are designed in such a way that
nobody could qualify under them.

Most of these products are detoxification agents and the best they can do is to boost the body’s immunity. Here is why you shouldn’t trust any “natural” agent that claims of curing herpes:

There are no scientific evidences that prove their effectiveness.
There is no way by which a detox treatment could cure a sexually transmitted disease such as herpes.
Even if the mineral treatment did help in improving immunity, it still wouldn’t be able to fight out the herpes simplex virus. Nonetheless, it can keep the infection under control. This means that
you would have fewer outbreaks and the symptoms wouldn’t be very severe.

Right now, both doctors and researchers working in the field of herpes treatment and cure believe that once you are infected with herpes, you are infected for life.

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